In 3 easy steps, join over 100 000 people helped by South Africa’s #1 debt counselling company.
Become debt-free with a single affordable monthly payment
– We protect you from legal action
– We provide immediate debt-relief
– We will reduce your monthly debt repayment
– We will save you money on interest and fees
JCH Debt Solutions is a professional debt management company, assisting indebted South Africans to reach their goal of financial freedom and independence, through education, guidance, and counseling.
We offer a renewed approach to managing debt-related matters and to date, maintain a highly satisfied client base in South Africa. JCH Debt Solutions has established strong relationships with viable and trustworthy credit providers across the country and aims to offer the best debt services and solutions to any client throughout South Africa.
Let us help you
– We specialise in all debt-related matters
– Your application is treated with the utmost confidentiality
– We offer the highest level of professional services in South Africa
– Our team consists of councilors and professionals with a legal background
– We hold great relationships with Credit Providers
– Our services are exceptionally easy, affordable, and efficient
– We pride ourselves on a remarkable success rate
At JCH Debt Solutions we pride ourselves on providing a wide range of debt-related services, which include:
– Sequestration & voluntary surrender applications
– Debt rehabilitation applications
– Liquidation of close corporations & companies
– Financial debt rehabilitation for individuals
– Debt administration
– Debt review applications
– ITC clearance
– Removal of judgements, defaults, administrations & debt review
Complete a Form 16 as prescribed by the National Credit Regulator, to begin the process.
One of our professional debt counsellors will formally register you on the system.
Once registered, we will request certificates of balance from your creditors and inform them of your application.
Our debt counsellors will formally assess your financial position and draft a debt restructuring plan – suitable for your position.
Once the restructuring plan has been drafted, it will then be prepared for the Magistrate’s Court, where the agreement will then be binding.
Take control of your finances today
Contact our experts now:
021 974 6182